Digital Routine Services & Vehicle Health Check - VHC
Upsell & Financial Benefits

Most Workshops use a Vehicle Health Check to identify additional work

What most don't know, is the MISSED Financial Opportunity on Vehicle Health Check upsell and more importantly...



The Benefits -
Growing Your Business


Our research shows that most operations only know what they have Sold and not what they have Lost, because it was never recorded or analysed. Our application provides this functionality

We undertook an exercise for a group of 13 workshops who had been using our application for 6 months and believed their figures were pretty good

What we found, and presented back to them, made over £1,000,000 difference to their overall financial operation in 1 year

Based on the 6 months of data that we analysed, we found that the majority of the users directly selling to the customers were typically handling 800 identified (Red - Urgent) Brakes required over the period measured

Based on the 6 months of data that we analysed, The top sellers were achieving 75%-80% sales conversions

The lower (and the majority) sellers were ONLY achieving between 36%-65% sales conversions, leaving the few remaining making up the difference

The numbers identified and being handled were significant enough to know there was clearly an issue. If some sellers could achieve up to 80% sales conversion, why were the others not doing the same?

We proposed that with some training, all should be achieving at least 73% sales conversions and possibly higher

If all achieved 73% sales conversions, the potential extra revenue increase over 6 months would be £189,131.00 over the 13 workshops

But!! this was only Brakes, and when we looked at Tyres, Exhausts and other components, the potential extra revenue increase over 12 months would be over £1,000,000 across the 13 workshops

After our presentation and with our help, the operation undertook internal training sessions to provide and build confidence to users across the 13 workshops AND, we are pleased to say they have now achieved More than 73% sales conversions

Prior to implementing our application, they only knew what they had Sold and believed that they were good at upselling

Our application not only made their operation more transparent, trustworthy and professional in the eyes of their customers, but it also gave them financial data that they had never seen before. This enabled them to drive and target their business with a strategy, and...



Change is never easy and yes, there was initial kick-back from the techs and the sellers who originally thought it would be more work for them, but it was just getting used to something new and they soon settled into it. Now it forms an essential part of their daily process, their customer feedback has been great, and their financial benefit has 100% justified using our application. On asking the senior management would they ever be without it? their answer was, "GOD NO WAY!" This reaction happens Time After Time!

Can We Do The Same For
Just in case you forgot!!

Our system costs £115.00 per Month

That's Only £26.53 per Week or £3.79 per Day!!

No Set-Up Fees & 14 Days Free Trial all with No Obligations

Go On, Give it a Go & Grow Your Business!

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